Health Services Department

If you have any questions or concerns please contact our district nurse 
The purpose of the school health program will be to supplement the efforts and guidance of parents to bring about awareness on the part of students of regular health care.

The objectives of the school health program are:
1. To promote good health habits among students.
2. To stimulate a sanitary and healthful environment in school.
3. To assist in detecting and recommending correction for medical, psychological, and physical handicaps of students.

Health Records: Health records will be maintained by the nursing staff.

Athletic Physical Examinations: Annual examinations shall be required for participants in all athletic programs.

School Nurse

School Nurse

Winters, Katie
RN at 307-568-1608

Annual Screening Programs: 

Vision screening will be planned and administered by nursing personnel for selected grades.
Hearing screening will be planned and administered by speech correctional personnel for selected grades.

Students will be screened for early signs of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) by screening selected grades annually.

Communicable Diseases: Students showing symptoms of a communicable disease, infectious condition, illness, or disability of a serious nature will be referred to the school nurse.

Special Physical Examinations: A physical may be requested by the building principal or Superintendent at times when serious doubts concerning the student’s health are evident.

Helpful Links:
Student Health Board Policy
Communicable Disease Guidance
Wyoming Immunization Requirements
Religious/ Medical Exemption Request

Wellness Policy: