Join us for a community forum to discuss and assess our policy regarding student cell phone use in school on January 21st at 6:30 PM in the RMHS commons.
28 days ago, Skye Cervantes
cell phone policy
The Life Skills class is ready to start collecting hearts for our map stop by in the coming weeks to see our progress outside our room!
30 days ago, Eron Lampman
We desperately need judges for our Speech and Debate meet next Saturday on the 18th. No prior experience is necessary! Please use the link below or contact Kaitlyn Miller to sign up!
about 1 month ago, Kaitlyn Miller
Speech and Debate Judges Needed
The life skills class is trying to collect valintines from all over the world . Please help us fill out our map! All important info is in the flyer below!
about 1 month ago, Eron Lampman
Love across America
The life skills classroom applied for a grant to get Trout in the Classroom through the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. We received the 55 gallon fish tank and all the supplies in November. We set it all up (which we felt like we needed a PhD to do) and have been keeping track of the temperature of the water, Ph levels, etc. One hundred and fifty eggs were delivered in perfect condition on Monday, Jan. 6 and we began the process of caring for them. We look forward to seeing the results in the next two weeks as we anticipate the eggs hatching. We will monitor their progress and prepare for the next stages of their development. We will keep you updated. Feel free to stop in anytime and check out their progress. Photos attached are the fish tank set up, Erika checking out the eggs, and the eggs in the basket.
about 1 month ago, Jeri Rush
Fish Tank
Help our Life Skills class get the word out.
about 1 month ago, Skye Cervantes
The 8th Graders worked super hard on their projects for the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Here are some of their Character analysis posters snd One Pagers.
about 1 month ago, Kaitlyn Miller
8th Grade Character Analysis Posters
8th Grade One Pagers
Christmas week activities!
about 2 months ago, Matthew Jensen
snowball fight!
game time!
just dance
serving breakfast
dude! where is the weight room?
red and green pancakes!
breakfast is served!
Mr. Mendenhall
school board help! Thank you Mr. Gloy
Good Morning Riverside!
about 2 months ago, Matthew Jensen
Good Morning Riverside!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
about 2 months ago, Skye Cervantes
RMHS 2024-2025 basketball & wrestling schedules
about 2 months ago, Skye Cervantes
about 2 months ago, Jory Thompson
We The People Podcast
Calling all Speech and Debate Judges! Riverside is hosting its first one day Speech and Debate meet on January 18, 2025. If you are interested in helping judge please fill out the form below or contact Kaitlyn Miller at Riverside Middle/High School. Prior experience is not necessary. All help is appreciated!
2 months ago, Kaitlyn Miller
Check out the MS basketball Podcast and come to the MS girls bball tourney here in Saturday December 7th.
2 months ago, Jory Thompson
Staff, students and parents, If you received an email this evening about a part-time job position that is available in our district, do not click on the link. There is no job open like this in our district. It is a spam email looking to scam you out of money.
2 months ago, Matthew Jensen
scam email
It's a mystery!!! The play was amazing.
3 months ago, Roxanne Peterson
The cast and crew
The sound man
Donā€™t think thatā€™s right ?
No idea ā€¦..
More questions !
More confusion !
One of Mr. Mendenhall's 6th grade classes got to do their bread project today to see what leavening agent makes the bread fluffier.
3 months ago, Susan Brown
bread project
bread project
Students enjoying live demonstration of how our lung and heart work by using cow heart and lungs given by Mr. Mendenhall!
3 months ago, Tonya Scott
7th grade Science students get lesson on life science of cow lungs and heart.
Mr.Mendenhall showing them exactly how lung and heart look using example from cow.
students enjoying the demonstration of live action!
During 7th grade PE on Friday 11/15/24 Mr.Brown shows students and demonstrated how dancing can be part of physical activity and get your cardio up and moving!
3 months ago, Tonya Scott
Girls watching as Mr.Brown teaches them the train in PE for some dance moves!
7th grade girls showing off their dance moves set up in a train form as music is going!
7th grade PE students showing off their dance moves!
Mr.Brown demonstrating students his dance moves!
Mr.Brown being part of the dance moves during a warm up during PE.
Mr.Brown giving some examples of different dance moves during and activity.
Come support the RMHS Drama Department's comedic production of How to Get Away with a Murder Mystery by Don Zolidis on November 22nd and November 23rd!
3 months ago, Kaitlyn Miller
Play Production Poster